
Never been date raped (short version)

Apparently, I'm not that attractive. I've come to this conclusion after being told I look like certain individuals who I have reasoned are quite ugly. Also, forcing me come to terms with this is the caliber of people that seem to hit on me. I was at the BK and A guy with no front teeth and a palsy hand asked me for my number. I kind of pointed to myself and then looked around to see if there was a women who weighed 300 lbs with greasy hair standing behind me. There was not.The only men that seem to take a particular interest are the homeless. A few years back, whilst wondering around Piccadilly circus on New Years day a hobo ran up to me and declared "Merry Christmas" then proceeded to kiss me. My travel companions did not attempt to pull this whino off me and pummel him with their shopping bags, they just laughed and scrambled for their disposable cameras.


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